Why You Should Secure Your Company's Money With Help From A Cash Delivery Service

Does your company accept cash on-site as part of doing business? Is your company growing and you find yourself with more and more cash on hand? Properly securing this money and getting it to the bank or some other financial institution in a timely fashion is, of course, important to you. If you want to ensure maximum security and peace of mind when it comes to your company's cash on hand, one possibility you might want to look into would be to hire a security company that specializes in cash delivery.

5 Benefits Of A Physical Risk Assessment By Security Services

How vulnerable are your commercial premises to different threats, like a fire or an active shooter? While many business owners have installed security equipment on their premises, they overlook the importance of doing risk assessments. You can make better security investments if you know the risks and threats you want to minimize and counter. Professional security services can conduct a competent physical risk assessment to establish your vulnerability to threats, the probability of these threats happening, and their impact.